Saturday, April 14, 2007

Sissy's Been A Bad Girl

Dear Diary,

As you can see below, Kitty's not been behaving herself lately, of course this is something I immeaditely went to work on breaking her of. I left her with one of my bigger vibrators in for ages the other day (and I think nearly put her eye out smacking her across the face with my strapon... really must work on that), and today I decided to bring Riff and Muffy (my sweet angelic pair of breeding pitbulls) into the bedroom to teach Sissy a lesson she won't forget.

I told her to get on all fours, and like the little pussy nancy boy she is, she did of course whimpering and sobbing, begging me not to let the dogs bite he, clearly she lacks imagination, but then again she never had very much in the brain department to start with. I told her there was very little possibility of the dogs biting with the amount of fun they'd be having. Honestly I wish I'd remembered to bring the camera so I could have captured the look on her face to show all of you. Sadly, I forgot, and so after a bit of prep I managed to get Riff to mount her (luckilly Muffy's not in heat right now so he didn't get distracted) once she stopped snivilling about how much it hurt I told her it wouldn't be fair to Muffy if she didn't get to enjoy Sissy's questionable "talents" as well, so I had her service my bitch (my bitch in this case reffering to Muffy, although the term applies very well to Kitty too.)

She whimpered a lot while Riff fucked her, but she seemed to enjoy it, as she made quite a mess on my bed, lucky for her I put down towels so she won't be punished (for that at least). Muffy and Riff both seem quite pleased with their new toy. I wonder if I should perhaps make this a regular activity, as it would keep Riff from sniffing round that little shitzu bitch down the street when Muffy's not in heat.

Love and kisses,
Your Favorite Femdom Mistress Formica


Anonymous said...


You said you wouldn't write about this! After all, some things are private. *blush, blush, blush*. And for your information, I did NOT enjoy it.

Madeira Darling said...

I lied... you know me better than to have believed me.
You know you liked it, wouldn't have gotten off all over the bed if you hadn't.

Anonymous said...

I... but! Still, Mistress... And maybe I couldn't help getting off all over the bed! You're so mean to your little girl... D:

lostsoul said...


i am so very suprised you did not let the slut suck off the pitbulls.

but i guess there is always next time...